Savanna Was a Beautiful Funny Loving Little Girl She Had a Very Wonderful and Tightknit Family

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Feb 22, 2019 rated it it was amazing
THIS. ❤️



After I read this book the initial time, I literally sat there for about five minutes, just trying to breathe and collect myself over that ending. Then, I made sure I was still breathing and proceeded to pick up my phone and yell at the author for 8.94 minutes about how amazing she is. Because that's what good friends are for.

Jokes aside… I don't think I can adequately put into words how special and amazing this story is. But I shall try.

// The Characters


THIS. ❤️



After I read this book the initial time, I literally sat there for about five minutes, just trying to breathe and collect myself over that ending. Then, I made sure I was still breathing and proceeded to pick up my phone and yell at the author for 8.94 minutes about how amazing she is. Because that's what good friends are for.

Jokes aside… I don't think I can adequately put into words how special and amazing this story is. But I shall try.

// The Characters

Cara: The main character. The girl who is so very beloved, and doesn't even know it. From page one, there was something about Cara's humorous snarkiness that drew me in and made me love her. Her feelings of being unloved and worthless was just… <3 She was a darling, beloved dearie. (And, goodness, let's not forget Martha.)

Erich: Um, I like this guy. Like, HELLO, he rescued a total stranger from suicide (something he has a past with) and then made a joke about resuscitating her with mouth-to-mouth. Total winner. Like, how amazing of a dude can this authoress create? Pretty epic, obviously.

Kade: From the moment this dude stepped on the 'set', I knew he was special. And once he left that scene, I had a feeling we hadn't seen the last of him. And I'm quite partial to his return. (If that's a spoiler...forgive me.)

Allllll the bros: I loved them. I loved the camaraderie of the foster/adopted family. They were precious and lovable; they just needed Jesus. For the sake of time, I won't comment on all of them, but they were all adorbs and funny and THOSE BACKSTORIES. <3 (Side note – I thought the author did an epic job of giving the reader all the backstories at times that made sense, instead of dumping all the info into like one scene. *nods and beams*)

A last note on the charries: Peter is mine. That is all. Hands off, gals.

// The Theme

Gracious, don't even get me started. A book that shows girls (well, anyone really) that they are loved, and cherished, and treasured by the God who created them is something I'm going to love, anyway. And Miss Krispense pulled it off quite flawlessly. It wasn't cheesy. It wasn't preachy. It was gold and relatable and endearing. <3

// The Writing

I had read some stories by this author—all of which were good—but this book is BY FAR her strongest and clearest creation. Kaitlyn is a dear girl with a heart for letting others know that they are beloved. And I'm so, so glad she chose to publish during this special week with me. <33

5 stars!

Michaela Bush
Sep 05, 2019 rated it it was amazing
This book...oof. I loved it. Krispense's descriptions and narration choices were compelling and just grabbed me.  It's a book that made me get knots in my stomach, and I think that's good.  Not only did she discuss some of the horror stories and struggles that foster kids face, she showed a family that would do anything for a girl they barely knew -- loving her with open arms, some brotherly teasing, and a lot of God's grace from some of the characters.  This book is also one that shows the grit This book...oof. I loved it. Krispense's descriptions and narration choices were compelling and just grabbed me.  It's a book that made me get knots in my stomach, and I think that's good.  Not only did she discuss some of the horror stories and struggles that foster kids face, she showed a family that would do anything for a girl they barely knew -- loving her with open arms, some brotherly teasing, and a lot of God's grace from some of the characters.  This book is also one that shows the grit, the real side of suicide, the effect that it has on a person and the community around that person.  While I did find the story hard to start, I was hooked within a few chapters.

I found the grasp on Cara's internal struggles to be impressive.  Such instances were moments where readers really got to see Cara for herself, not for the tough face she tried to put on for her foster family or others around her.  After her initial suicide attempt, she recovers physically, but we're invited to see her mental recovery as well.  Her character arc was very believable, and I loved reading about her evolving interactions with her foster brothers.

Elizabeth Dragina
4.5 stars ~

What was that? WHAT WAS THAT??! I think it ran away with my heart.

Whoa. So I um was extremely shocked. As in my heart stopped at the end of this book. As in my eyes were misty. As in WHERE IS THE SEQUEL!?!

So much to talk about, but first I want to say that Kaitlyn captured the essence of a family bond. Coming into this I was expecting some sort of romantic relationship to express how Beloved Cara--the main character--was. My expectations were kinda low tbh because most of the indie

4.5 stars ~

What was that? WHAT WAS THAT??! I think it ran away with my heart.

Whoa. So I um was extremely shocked. As in my heart stopped at the end of this book. As in my eyes were misty. As in WHERE IS THE SEQUEL!?!

So much to talk about, but first I want to say that Kaitlyn captured the essence of a family bond. Coming into this I was expecting some sort of romantic relationship to express how Beloved Cara--the main character--was. My expectations were kinda low tbh because most of the indie authors I have read as of late have cringe-worthy stuff. But Kaitlyn, she my friends, surprised me with something far more special then a cliche romantic plot line. Beloved, was absolutely magical (in a realistic original way of course).

After reading Freedom I was absolutely certain that Beloved would fall far from my expectations, man was I wrong. I am quite happy to be wrong, however!! =) The beginning of Beloved I wouldn't say was very attention grabbing . . . it kinda set my expectations very low for the story. But the skeptical beginning is very much worth trudging through to get to the end!

Plot : It's rather slow at first . . but the action picks up speed until you've latched onto all the characters, and can't seem to pry your grip loose.

Theme : Your Beloved. You. Are. Beloved. You.

Description : Well, I wouldn't say it's perfect (for my level of detail), but most readers enjoy this level.

Setting : Yes, yes, yes. A thousand yes's. It's perfect.

Content : It's a very clean Christian Novel. Now, if your sensitive to suicide then I wouldn't suggested it.

Characters : Give all my love to the boys. And Martha. But Erich especially. 💞 This book is worth reading just for the characters! *all the heart eyes*

Cara : While she was slightly annoying at times and other times completely relatable, I was able to grasp suicide better. All the pain and anguish that comes with such thoughts. It was touching. But also Martha.

Philip : Aww, so cute. Quiet, yet handsome. Peaceful yet playful.

Erich : My heart is his completely. If he was to ever get married I think my heart would crumble. NO ONE else can have my baby!! *hiss*

Fergus : Well, he can make people laugh. And laughter is good medicine. I want him to be happy. Also when working with him he makes everything more fun.

Edward AKA Eddie : Poor, poor boy. 💔 He's the talkative one in the family and the dedicated one. His dark curly hair makes him attractive . . . so perhaps he gets a shy girlfriend soon?? In the sequel? (*hint* *hint* Kaitlyn)

Titus : I can't tell you how bad I felt for you on that first morning Cara arrived. But I nearly cried then screamed at Cara.

Kade : For all that is good start courting Cara immediately. Now, mister, I'm not gonna wait forever. 😻

Overall : I really, really, really loved it. Like it stole my heart WITHOUT permission. *clears throat* I'm not happy about that. Read it. Love it. Understand it. Don't underestimate it.

**FTC DISCLOSURE** I received a complementary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This review is based on my own opinion and is in no way biased.

Kellyn Roth
Kaitlyn S.
Mar 14, 2019 rated it it was amazing
Oh, be still my beating heart! This book, y'all. It's just....plain amazing. I'm even more excited for its official release into the world!
Man, do I need an Erich as a brother!
Second time through, and I'm still amazed. I'll post a real review during the release tour -- but ya'll need to get this asap =)


This was a heartbreaking story that was artfully told. It was the story of a young girl who has been left by herself in the world.

Her father killed himself.
Her aunt an

Oh, be still my beating heart! This book, y'all. It's just....plain amazing. I'm even more excited for its official release into the world!
Man, do I need an Erich as a brother!
Second time through, and I'm still amazed. I'll post a real review during the release tour -- but ya'll need to get this asap =)


This was a heartbreaking story that was artfully told. It was the story of a young girl who has been left by herself in the world.

Her father killed himself.
Her aunt and uncle sent her away.
Foster families didn't want her and mistreated her.

So she ended up homeless, wandering the streets, resorting to stealing and rummaging through dumpsters to stay alive.

Cara figures the only option she has left is to follow her father's example — except even that act fails when five brothers see her and decide to rescue her. The brothers are a hilarious group, who enjoy practical jokes and harmless stunts — yet they can be serious, too, and are a sweet group of fellas.

Slowly the family makes its way into her heart when she least suspects it. She tries her hardest to prevent it, but it happens, and the way Cara grows is amazing.

Erich breaks down the last of her defenses when he brutally wakes her up early on Sunday morning and brings her to church with him — and the adventure is only beginning.

Kaitlyn wrote this book in a way that perfectly details the tragedy of a young girl who needs a home. She needs a family who loves her unconditionally, and she needs a Saviour to turn to. She needs something that gives her life value.

And she finds it in her new family.

The restored relationships are beautiful to see, and the surprises along the way will have you in tears, if you are anywhere near as emotional a reader as I am :D

I enjoyed this book, a lot. I appreciated how the author was able to give details about Cara's life without giving too much, and I enjoyed the relationships written about.

The one thing I disliked was how abruptly Cara became a Christian — it almost seemed as if she became a Christian because of what God could do for her, and not so much because she was a sinner in need of a Saviour. The way Erich presented the Gospel seemed to be lacking just a bit, in my personal opinion. There was a major life change in her, though, which I appreciated seeing.

That being said, there was a strong Christian theme and morals presented, throughout the book, and I enjoyed that! I will definitely be reading this one again. Because of the content (suicide, depression, mentions of abortion) I would recommend this for older readers. I would definitely suggest that parents may want to read through this first!

*I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to enjoy the book, merely to give an honest opinion.*

Libby May
May 08, 2019 rated it really liked it
The tour is happening y'all. The 13 reasons why to LIVE tour! I'm so excited for Kaitlyn and Faith who wrote Freedom, to release their amazing books into the world! I know that they will TOUCH LIVES and change people's thinking and I am SO PROUD to be friends with these two amazing girls!

Now to summarize my thoughts on Beloved. I thought the name was perfect. So cool! The cover fits so well, besides the fact that it's beautiful.

The story itself is... great. The main character held so much insi

The tour is happening y'all. The 13 reasons why to LIVE tour! I'm so excited for Kaitlyn and Faith who wrote Freedom, to release their amazing books into the world! I know that they will TOUCH LIVES and change people's thinking and I am SO PROUD to be friends with these two amazing girls!

Now to summarize my thoughts on Beloved. I thought the name was perfect. So cool! The cover fits so well, besides the fact that it's beautiful.

The story itself is... great. The main character held so much inside her, and as the reader, you get to see it all. The way she develops and changes and learns and loves is such a beautiful process and so much fun to read!
The foster family she ends up with (funny story, you should read it!) are so precious and honestly I just... I think it's absolutely stunning that the author portrayed an unsaved family as still loving and caring and full of heart. That blew me away. Yes, it was evident that the family did not seek God in their lives, and it was emphasized that they needed Him, but so often I feel Christian authors portray unsaved characters as bitter and mean just because they are unsaved. I really loved getting to know this family.
The stories behind the brothers too were so cool.
The plotline itself was good and kept me reading for the most part. I had a little bit of a hard time with the writing style (Which every reader will know thats a personal thing and not a reason to avoid a book!) but after settling down and really reading it, I appreciated the fact that I had gotten the chance. It was also a beta reading file which meant it was not a paper copy and I tend to feel less strongly about books that are not paper copies XD.
All that said! I can't wait to have this pretty thing on my bookshelf with it's publishing twin Freedom. Go check out the blog tour here!

Merie Shen
Aug 23, 2019 rated it really liked it
AAAAAAAHHHHHHH *fill in the rest of the space with li'l people running around and screaming*
So yeees, I did have my doubts about Beloved. I mean, all the hype. A debut novel. Heck, it's written in first-person present-tense (okay, okay, I'm already used to that by now). But I am so pleased to say that I was basically hooked from page one onward.
First of all, Cara Richards's narrative is fascinating. Sometimes a little grim, sometimes frustrating, but still fascinating and so, so real. The way sh
AAAAAAAHHHHHHH *fill in the rest of the space with li'l people running around and screaming*
So yeees, I did have my doubts about Beloved. I mean, all the hype. A debut novel. Heck, it's written in first-person present-tense (okay, okay, I'm already used to that by now). But I am so pleased to say that I was basically hooked from page one onward.
First of all, Cara Richards's narrative is fascinating. Sometimes a little grim, sometimes frustrating, but still fascinating and so, so real. The way she told her story, the bits and pieces she kept remembering here and there, were heartbreaking. And I did enjoy her sense of humor.
THE BROTHERS. I could go on and on and on about the brothers. Erich was the cool-but-kinda-perfect big brother but with some issues of his own *shhhh*. Peter was probably my favorite (?). Edward was really interesting. Titus and Fergus were just great I loved the family dynamics once Cara managed to settle in.
The matters discussed in this book were far and wide and all nicely-done. One of my favorites was the one scene where Cara went shopping and ran into that woman who dismissed her because of her faith– it was achingly realistic and reminded me of a couple of my own encounters (*shudders*).
There were some minor things… For instance, I found it rather unrealistic for Cara to be so into her faith in such a short period of time. There were some scenes where prayer became unnecessarily long (that's just me though; I don't like to read long prayers). Maybe Erich was a little bit too perfect, despite his anger management issues. So yeah.
All in all, this was an excellent debut. 4 stars
*I received an ARC of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. A positive review was not required; all views and opinions expressed are my own.*
Carlye Krul
Feb 11, 2020 rated it it was amazing
First off, the plot and events.

I really liked how Kaitlyn played off of Cara's negative emotions and depression to lead her to Jesus. It was really touching and raw.

The foster family. I simply cannot get enough of them. You rarely get so tight-knit families in YA fiction anymore, so I was really pleased with the Carlos family. All of the brothers and how they teased Cara endlessly, yet never hesitated to show her their love.

The characters!!! My favourite part of any book is always the characters

First off, the plot and events.

I really liked how Kaitlyn played off of Cara's negative emotions and depression to lead her to Jesus. It was really touching and raw.

The foster family. I simply cannot get enough of them. You rarely get so tight-knit families in YA fiction anymore, so I was really pleased with the Carlos family. All of the brothers and how they teased Cara endlessly, yet never hesitated to show her their love.

The characters!!! My favourite part of any book is always the characters. It's so interesting to see what roles the author decides to do. And Beloved has quite the cast of characters

My personal favourite would either have to be Enrich or Fergus. They are so wonderful, funny, and loving. All of the brothers in the Carlos household are foster children, so they each have their own heartbreaking story to tell.

And as for content, there wasn't any swearing or violence which was grand. Though I wouldn't recommend it for very young readers because Cara tries to commit suicide and it isn't the prettiest.

All around though, I would give this book five stars and a high five to Kaitlyn, the amazing author.

Angela R. Watts

Beloved deals with the tough topics of suicide, losing loved ones, and finding Jesus. They were handled gracefully, and I believe this book is a great example of what God can do when writers aren't afraid of rough subjects.

The story flows well and the pacing is great! I enjoyed it.


As I said, this book deals with suicide, depression, grief, foster homes, abortion, etc. They were handled super well! The darkness was addressed and overcome without ever being glorified. This story didn't


Beloved deals with the tough topics of suicide, losing loved ones, and finding Jesus. They were handled gracefully, and I believe this book is a great example of what God can do when writers aren't afraid of rough subjects.

The story flows well and the pacing is great! I enjoyed it.


As I said, this book deals with suicide, depression, grief, foster homes, abortion, etc. They were handled super well! The darkness was addressed and overcome without ever being glorified. This story didn't really get super duper dark, in my personal opinion, so if you want to see these topics addressed but get queasy easily, definitely give this one a read.

God is always with us--and calls us to do crazy things. Christianity in America has gotten comfortable... we don't do bold things, don't stop people in the Walmart if God says "hey, talk to them", and we don't put our hearts on the line by loving those who hurt us. But... we should. This novel is a great reminder of God's glory, His love, and how important it is WE SHARE HIS LOVE!


The characters were well rounded and I enjoyed watching all of them grow and interact. Cara was a good main character--and, hey, if you want an example of a female MC who struggles and is a brat without TOTALLY GRATING YOUR NERVES OFF *cough*, read this novel, please. I get frustrated by the whole pity-party thing many YA gals have but Cara was great!

I enjoyed Eddie and Erich, too, especially. Ach!

The character development all around was very good!


Clean read! Mentions of death, violence, abortion, and abuse, but nothing shown badly. Cara considers suicide but it wasn't a graphic depiction.


An amazing debut novel and I cannot wait for more by Kaitlyn!

Ellen Senechal
"I don't care. I don't care."
These seem to be the only words foster teen Cara Richards' heart whispers as she makes her way through life, alone, unwanted - abandoned by her mom, and then her dad. Now Cara's whole being is burdened, unforgiving, and desperate. She tries to hide it, but it's useless.
She truly hurts.
Cara plans to travel the world and do great things. But when her feet first land on a beach in California, the thought, "Why not just end it all?" consumes her. Water - endless water, s
"I don't care. I don't care."
These seem to be the only words foster teen Cara Richards' heart whispers as she makes her way through life, alone, unwanted - abandoned by her mom, and then her dad. Now Cara's whole being is burdened, unforgiving, and desperate. She tries to hide it, but it's useless.
She truly hurts.
Cara plans to travel the world and do great things. But when her feet first land on a beach in California, the thought, "Why not just end it all?" consumes her. Water - endless water, stretching out before her. She can't swim; surely she'll drown.
And then she'll be free.
But her plan does not succeed, as she is found in the ocean and dragged out by a group of boys . . . boys who later become her foster brothers. They reach out to her, but she pushes them away. Too many times she's experienced the sting of rejection; she refuses to be cut by it again.
Yet, little by little, these brothers force their way through to her heart. Cara is drawn to the kindness of the Carlos family, is subdued by the stories she hears.
And then comes the real question: "Can I, a worthless criminal, a nobody, truly be saved by Jesus' blood?"
I enjoyed this novel by Kaitlyn Krispense. She had me captivated. I smiled as she referred to one of the boys as having a "Michael Landon" hairstyle. I cringed as Cara fought against those who loved her. And I was disappointed when the book drew to a close, although the ending was beautiful.
My favorite scene? When Cara opens up to her brother, Erich, and accepts Christ into her life. However, while I don't think the conversion was abrupt, I do think her change of character immediately afterwards was a little rushed. Yet . . . I enjoyed it. :-)
My favorite brothers? Definitely Titus and Fergus. Those guys are so fun!
And the cover . . . oh, my, the cover. It's gorgeous! (Still can't stop staring at this beauty!)
My overall review for this book:
I give it 3.5 stars. The topics of this book are heavy, and I recommend it for readers ages 15+. The story can be a little depressing (especially if you're a sensitive reader), and things can get a bit weighty. At times, I felt like Kaitlyn went over the top with Cara's pain, her brothers' stories, etc.. But I do like how she adds some humor with the Carlos boys (see quote found below to find out what I mean). :-)

"'Just because you don't tolerate my intolerance doesn't mean I have to tolerate your intolerance of my intolerance.' He [Fergus] pauses and frowns. 'And that . . . barely made sense. But I think I got my point across.'"

Angie Thompson
Aug 21, 2019 rated it really liked it
So, I'll admit that it was the family angle that drew me to this book, in spite of my usual reservations about the core themes--for the record, I agree that suicide is an important topic that needs to be addressed; it's just one that I have to be careful with personally. I was right, though; the family angle was by far the best part of the book! :)

It took me a little while to get to know all of Cara's new foster brothers, but once those doors opened, I loved them all! Erich was like the stereoty

So, I'll admit that it was the family angle that drew me to this book, in spite of my usual reservations about the core themes--for the record, I agree that suicide is an important topic that needs to be addressed; it's just one that I have to be careful with personally. I was right, though; the family angle was by far the best part of the book! :)

It took me a little while to get to know all of Cara's new foster brothers, but once those doors opened, I loved them all! Erich was like the stereotypically perfect older brother, except with enough flaws to keep him grounded. ;) I loved his persistence in trying to break down Cara's walls and the way he wasn't too proud to admit when he was wrong and his just plain stubbornness... XD And Peter--sweet, quiet, confiding Peter. *happy sigh* It feels terribly disloyal to say it because Erich was incredible, but...yeah, Peter may have been my favorite of the bunch. <3 And then Edward, who stayed such an enigma for so long but absolutely wrecked my heart by the end. And Fergus with his teasing and goofy nicknames, and Titus who did the mischievous little brother role to perfection... Grrr, they were all wonderful, and I wanted to see so much more of them!

Also, can I just say, I love that the overall healthy family dynamic didn't mean nobody ever argued or complained or got on each other's nerves, but the underlying thread of love made it clear that they all cared for each other deeply, in spite of minor annoyances and mishaps. <3 And I also liked the fact that the parents were supportive and loving without being too perfect or always knowing the right thing to say. Family isn't about perfection, people. Family is about undying love, and this one had it in spades.

I have to admit that I had a hard time really connecting with Cara for a while, and I think it was because she had built her walls so thick that it was hard to tell at times whether there was really anything soft or vulnerable left behind it. It was a bit hard at times to get an accurate picture of her world, too, since her biased view was the only one we were getting, and since even she had trouble making sense of it at times. The bits where she's arguing back and forth with her conscience, though--those were hilarious, even if they did make me work to keep up! :D And seeing the way she grew and changed, especially by the end, made everything worthwhile.

The only other thing that bugged me a little was how fast things tended to move sometimes; there were points where we'd skip an entire week at a time and I really wanted to know what else had happened there. Some of the early chapters at the Carlos house especially felt a bit disjointed, which probably contributed to the fact that it took me a while to feel like I really knew people. But I really appreciated the strong Christian message and the way that Cara's life didn't become immediately perfect when she came to Christ. And even though it was realistic in that sense, I loved the way the hope shone through even the difficult moments and unresolved issues. That one scene near the end had my heart just about melting all over my feet... <3

Be forewarned, there is a lot of tough content mentioned--not just suicide and attempted suicide, but some instances of severe abuse, death, and abandonment in different characters' backstories--so it might not be the best for young or sensitive readers. But overall, everything was handled with grace and care, which I very much appreciated.

4 stars

I received a free copy of this book from the author. A positive review was not required. All opinions are my own.

Content--mentions of suicide and attempts at suicide; (view spoiler)[mentions of desertion and abandonment, severe physical abuse, including death, wanting to kill an abuser, and women wanting or being pressured to have abortions; (hide spoiler)] mentions of blood and wounds; a homeless, runaway teenager engages in various dangerous and illegal activity, including stealing and smoking; mentions of cursing

Sep 03, 2019 rated it it was amazing
Okay, this book was...AMAZING!!!
I don't know where to start, I don't want to give away to many spoilers but, wow. Just wow. I was not expecting it to be this good.

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I started reading immediately, and guys, I finished this book in three-and-a-half hours straight. It's THAT GOOD. Right, instead of me just rambling on about how great this book is, why don't I tell you why?

The characters. Everyone, the characters alone

Okay, this book was...AMAZING!!!
I don't know where to start, I don't want to give away to many spoilers but, wow. Just wow. I was not expecting it to be this good.

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I started reading immediately, and guys, I finished this book in three-and-a-half hours straight. It's THAT GOOD. Right, instead of me just rambling on about how great this book is, why don't I tell you why?

The characters. Everyone, the characters alone are reason enough to buy this book! I love the relationship, Cara (the protagonist) had with each of the side characters was so sweet and special.

I loved how different each of the boys was, their relationship to Cara, their story, the constant bantering, and fun.
The entire storyline was just so gripping.

The writing style was awesome and I loved "Martha", that was hilarious. (Read the book and you will know what I am talking about.)

I think the only thing that I didn't love, as one reviewer already mentioned here, (spoiler) is that the conversion does seem like it lacks a tiny bit, but I wouldn't hesitate to tell everyone about this book, and it's really not that bad. So, five stars, and PLEASE READ THIS BOOK!!!

Aug 15, 2019 rated it really liked it
This book follows about a years-worth of Cara's life. It was pretty cool to watch her be transformed from rejected, forgotten, and wounded by so many people, to an amazing young woman. So many people, especially teens, need to hear this message.

I really appreciated the way the forgiveness theme was done. It showed how hard it is to forgive, instead of just, "oh, I forgive you, and now life is just amazing." No, this book shows the pain, the wrestling, and the struggle to forgive. And yet, it sh

This book follows about a years-worth of Cara's life. It was pretty cool to watch her be transformed from rejected, forgotten, and wounded by so many people, to an amazing young woman. So many people, especially teens, need to hear this message.

I really appreciated the way the forgiveness theme was done. It showed how hard it is to forgive, instead of just, "oh, I forgive you, and now life is just amazing." No, this book shows the pain, the wrestling, and the struggle to forgive. And yet, it shows that with God's help, you can forgive.

Now, on to the characters. I didn't connect with Cara at all, which could be because for a good portion of the book she was so cold, closed off, and full of self-pity. However, I loved the brothers! Peter, Erich, Titus, Fergus, and Eddie. The banter, fun, encouragement, and confrontations were all well done!
Due to the topics discussed, I would not recommend this book for anyone younger than 14.

Favorite quotes: "We're human. Of course we're not always going to feel loved. But
that doesn't change the fact that we are."

"You are beloved, Cara; your name says it all."

~Also, why I liked this novel is not specifically because it talks about suicide. (Although that is a topic that needs to be addressed.) I liked it because it shows that everyone is priceless, and cherished in Yahweh's eyes.~

*I received an e-copy of the book in exchange for a honest review.*

Bridget Marshall
Cara's foster family was what made this book for me. Going into it, I was expecting to encounter the cliche model Christian family, but hehe nope! It was great. I especially loved Cara's foster mom. :D

I was also half expecting the story to turn into a romance but was happy to find that such was not the case. Basically, many of the preconceptions I had were pleasantly toppled on their heads.

Despite containing heavy topics (e.g. depression and suicidal thoughts), there were so many lighthearted mo

Cara's foster family was what made this book for me. Going into it, I was expecting to encounter the cliche model Christian family, but hehe nope! It was great. I especially loved Cara's foster mom. :D

I was also half expecting the story to turn into a romance but was happy to find that such was not the case. Basically, many of the preconceptions I had were pleasantly toppled on their heads.

Despite containing heavy topics (e.g. depression and suicidal thoughts), there were so many lighthearted moments mixed in that I found myself smiling through much of the book.

I admit there were a couple of things that I didn't care for/bugged me (which won't go into here for private reasons), but nothing so serious that overshadowed my overall enjoyment of the book.

I did truly enjoy this book and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys contemporary Christian fiction or reading about rambunctious teenage boys.

Aug 12, 2019 rated it it was amazing
I absolute loved this book!!! I want this book in my hands! It was inspiring, and opened my eyes as to who I am as a human being and how I treat other people. Also, I LOVED THE BROTHERS! XD XD XD
Aug 22, 2019 rated it it was amazing
RTC nearer the release date, maybe, I have a lot of thoughts...
Katja Labonté
Jul 23, 2020 rated it it was amazing
5 stars & 5/10 hearts. This is my first book by this author, and it made me fall in love with her writing. It hooked me from the very first. We don't often get homeless runaways as characters. I was impressed by how clean the book was, even if it was realistic. This book deals with hard topics—suicide, murder, child abuse, abandonment, divorce, single mothers—but while reminded me that those things exist, and that those people need Jesus, it did not depress me. I loved, loved the boys, and Cara' 5 stars & 5/10 hearts. This is my first book by this author, and it made me fall in love with her writing. It hooked me from the very first. We don't often get homeless runaways as characters. I was impressed by how clean the book was, even if it was realistic. This book deals with hard topics—suicide, murder, child abuse, abandonment, divorce, single mothers—but while reminded me that those things exist, and that those people need Jesus, it did not depress me. I loved, loved the boys, and Cara's relationship to them. I loved the oh-so-sarcastic humour that pervaded every single page. I loved the beauty of Jesus that shone into the darkness. I loved the message of the book. It was so very good... just so very good. Recommend ages: 14+

Content: Smoking (mentioned once); suicide is committed by characters (in the past); Cara almost commits suicide twice; medium-graphic descriptions of child abuse & a murdered woman; a woman left her family; a man chased his wife away when she refused to abort their child. It is all handled very well and it is very clean. Really, it left me feeling uplifted and happy.

A Favourite Quote: "'My charge to you is, don't ignore the world around you.... View the world as your personal mission field. For all you know, when you smile or offer a word of encouragement to a stranger, you could simply be preventing a suicide attempt. Or you could plant the seed of Christ in some soul that will be watered by someone else. Don't be in such a rush that you miss the hurt around you. Be a light in someone's life—be a world-changer.'"
A Favourite Beautiful Quote: "The deep blue-green water, accented by white foam on the crests of the waves, calls to me."
A Favourite Humorous Quote: "According to my observations, I am alone in the world, and you, Martha, are no help.
"And nobody can tell you different, huh? Wow, Cara; you're a real peach.
"Don't be pessimistic. I'm very opinionated and strong-minded, yes. True, it takes quite a lot to change my mind when it's already made up. Daddy used to say, 'Don't confuse her with the facts. Her mind's made up.' But that doesn't mean I'm completely closed to new ideas.
"Oh really?
"Okay, maybe I am. But who cares? Certainly not me."

Abigail Harris
Erika Mathews
I probably read this book at the wrong time, because it was amazingly written with a great message, excellent themes, and hilarious and realistic characters - but it just wasn't as enjoyable as I was hoping despite that. That's a personal thing and not the fault of the book in any way. Its tones were rather sad, depressed, and dark(ish) and I was probably in the mood for a lighter read. Still, I did like the story anyway. :) The five crazy brothers helped a lot to balance the serious themes (inc I probably read this book at the wrong time, because it was amazingly written with a great message, excellent themes, and hilarious and realistic characters - but it just wasn't as enjoyable as I was hoping despite that. That's a personal thing and not the fault of the book in any way. Its tones were rather sad, depressed, and dark(ish) and I was probably in the mood for a lighter read. Still, I did like the story anyway. :) The five crazy brothers helped a lot to balance the serious themes (including depression, suicide, abortion, foster care, and abusive homes). ...more
Julia Skinner
Beloved is about Cara -- a bitter, young girl who lives on the streets after running away from her foster home. Abandoned by her mother, her father dead, and out cast from everyone she thought loved her, Cara believes that it's everyone out for themselves, and that no one ever genuinely cares about anyone but themselves. But everything changes after a family rescues her from her attempt to end her life and takes her in as their own.
(Warning: this book handles some heavy stuff like suic
Beloved is about Cara -- a bitter, young girl who lives on the streets after running away from her foster home. Abandoned by her mother, her father dead, and out cast from everyone she thought loved her, Cara believes that it's everyone out for themselves, and that no one ever genuinely cares about anyone but themselves. But everything changes after a family rescues her from her attempt to end her life and takes her in as their own.
(Warning: this book handles some heavy stuff like suicide, abortion, and abuse)

Overall, I really enjoyed Cara's story! I have two foster little sisters (who we're in the process of adopting) and was able to relate a lot to the different stories and perspectives found in Beloved, another thing I really, REALLY liked was Cara's stubborn silence even though her mind was whirling with thoughts (something I've encountered with my own foster siblings). I did have to say, some of the stuff felt forced, and I was disappointed to find that (SPOILER ALERT) right after Cara got saved she became your cliche Christian girl and kinda lost her personality.... BUT negatives aside, this book hooked me and I didn't want to stop reading! (I DEFINITELY WASN'T READY FOR IT TO END! :'( )
I HAVE to mention, I absolutely ADORED her foster brothers! They were seriously THE
B E S T. All of the good sibling relationships made me so SO incredibly happy - like YES, we need more of those! Seriously. Y E S.

Have a polite, pleasant conversation for once. Y'know, without any
glares or self-pity. Fascinating idea, is it not?
Silence, Martha. The last thing I need is a sarcastic conscience.

"You were a million miles away."
I smile softly. "No, only about three thousand."

"When He looks at you, Cara, I think He points at you and says, 'She's Mine, and I love her
more than words can say. I bought her, I redeemed her with My Son's blood, and I
claim her as My own.'

*I received a free ARC copy from the author in exchange for an honest review

Sep 18, 2019 rated it really liked it
This book is amazing! Let me finish living in it for a moment before I reveiw.

It took me a little bit to get into this book. I haven't read much in first person, and it's really different. The first chapters were kind of boring and despairing but that really set the scene for Cara's new life. Once I got past those chapters I really appreciated them. They were real and went on for the right amount of time, not like the typical one paragraph. Her suicide attempts were also real and well portrayed.

This book is amazing! Let me finish living in it for a moment before I reveiw.

It took me a little bit to get into this book. I haven't read much in first person, and it's really different. The first chapters were kind of boring and despairing but that really set the scene for Cara's new life. Once I got past those chapters I really appreciated them. They were real and went on for the right amount of time, not like the typical one paragraph. Her suicide attempts were also real and well portrayed.

When Cara moves in with the Carlos's it just gets more and more fun. I like how her foster family love her so much even though they weren't Christian, it brings out that there is good in the world. I love the sibling banter it's so accurate. I also appreciated how she slowly accepted them. Too many books are unrealistic. It felt almost romantic with Erich at one stage but I'm glad it wasn't. I loved how Aunt Helen and Kade came back in. I did find her strength when in a rage a little bit extra, I've never been able to get my brother to fall over. And she was short. It was great to have so many brothers but I didn't feel like I really knew them all by the end. That may also have had to do with how fast I read it though. ;)

I feel like I've been kind of negative but this was an awesome book. I highly recommend you read it!! Good job Kaitlyn, you did amazing.

Heather Wood
Jun 03, 2020 rated it really liked it
This book tells the beautiful journey of Cara, orphaned and alone, and how her life is turned around when she meets a family that becomes her own and then surrenders her life to Christ. She learns to walk in obedience to God and grapples with forgiveness, love, and believing in her own worth. Kaitlyn does an incredible job of getting inside Cara's head and giving her a believable, vulnerable voice.
My biggest vice is that I would have liked for her salvation story to have focused on finding peace
This book tells the beautiful journey of Cara, orphaned and alone, and how her life is turned around when she meets a family that becomes her own and then surrenders her life to Christ. She learns to walk in obedience to God and grapples with forgiveness, love, and believing in her own worth. Kaitlyn does an incredible job of getting inside Cara's head and giving her a believable, vulnerable voice.
My biggest vice is that I would have liked for her salvation story to have focused on finding peace, hope, and love in Jesus, but it was really heavy on the side of "getting out of hell." Which I don't believe is the main point of salvation. Jesus was an afterthought instead of the main point. With that said, it was a delightful read and I'll be watching Kaitlyn to see what she does in the future.
Tara Savanna
Sep 27, 2019 rated it really liked it
Suicide is a tough subject not only to discuss but most certainly to write about. I feel the author did a wonderful job with handling such a sensitive subject both delicately and realistically. What could have been an extremely dark book was lightened by witty and pun-filled banter.

While the conversions to Christianity seemed to happen a bit fast, I enjoyed the truth that God can be a great help in our time of need and I appreciated the importance that was placed on forgiving others.

*Warning! Th

Suicide is a tough subject not only to discuss but most certainly to write about. I feel the author did a wonderful job with handling such a sensitive subject both delicately and realistically. What could have been an extremely dark book was lightened by witty and pun-filled banter.

While the conversions to Christianity seemed to happen a bit fast, I enjoyed the truth that God can be a great help in our time of need and I appreciated the importance that was placed on forgiving others.

*Warning! This book also discusses abortion and abuse.

*I received a ARC from the author in hopes of an honest review. I was not obligated to leave a positive review. Thoughts and opinions expressed are mine alone.

Jun 08, 2021 rated it it was amazing
Absolutely loved this!
And I really appreciated that there wasn't any romance.. :)
Absolutely loved this!
And I really appreciated that there wasn't any romance.. :)
"Beloved" is Kaitlyn Krispense's debut novel. It's a great book and one I definitely enjoyed more then I was expecting.
I was interested in reading "Beloved" but since it dealt with the topic of suicide I felt like it might be a bit depressing.
Even though it dealt with dark topics it was all done in a great and God honoring way. There was a great message throughout the story that every life has a purpose and that God made you for a reason.
I enjoyed seeing how Cara changed throughout the story and
"Beloved" is Kaitlyn Krispense's debut novel. It's a great book and one I definitely enjoyed more then I was expecting.
I was interested in reading "Beloved" but since it dealt with the topic of suicide I felt like it might be a bit depressing.
Even though it dealt with dark topics it was all done in a great and God honoring way. There was a great message throughout the story that every life has a purpose and that God made you for a reason.
I enjoyed seeing how Cara changed throughout the story and I enjoyed reading her story.
I would definitely recommend this book!
*I received an ebook version of this book in exchange for my honest review.
Laura Guenot
Beloved: 3.5


Cara's life—Wow. My heart breaks for her and other teens like her. How many people do you see throughout the day in town, walking down your street, driving past you? What are their stories, what are they struggling with?

Cara's problems are heavy. I felt terrible for her and just wanted to buy her a coffee and wrap a blanket around her shoulders for comfort. Personally, I wanted to yell at her relatives for not loving this precious girl.

Although I got that Cara was dealing

Beloved: 3.5


Cara's life—Wow. My heart breaks for her and other teens like her. How many people do you see throughout the day in town, walking down your street, driving past you? What are their stories, what are they struggling with?

Cara's problems are heavy. I felt terrible for her and just wanted to buy her a coffee and wrap a blanket around her shoulders for comfort. Personally, I wanted to yell at her relatives for not loving this precious girl.

Although I got that Cara was dealing with a lot I started to get bothered by her consistently negative attitude about everything. Even after her foster family did so much, she still had that chip on her shoulder. While she got a little more talkative, I didn't expect her to continue to be like she was pretty much right up to the end. I wasn't expecting a huge character jump but a little more of that sweetness I know was under her crusty layer would've been nice.

Erich…Glad he was there for Cara but confused about the relationship. It really seemed like there was something between them romantically. If the purpose of their relationship was to be just like a brother and sister type of thing, I'm not sure why the author led us to think there was something more to their relationship. Overall, Erich was still a good character. I would like to read more about him in the future. He seems like a neat guy! Maybe he and Cara will have more of a relationship in a future book?

Overall Story:

This story is both heart-breaking and though-provoking.

It makes you think about all the people walking around you when you're in a busy town. What are their stories? How are they struggling? How can you practically help someone who just doesn't seem to want your help?

I want to give a bit more of a warning on this story. Although Freedom does tackle heavier issues, Beloved was extremely heavy at times. I recommend it for 15+.

Thank you, Kaitlyn, for writing this story!

Note: *…I received this book free from the author for promotional purposes. No reviews, positive or otherwise, were required. All opinions expressed are purely my own…*

Kaitlyn is a farmer's daughter that loves the Lord, her family, and her books. Psalm 46:10 gives her inspiration, her brothers make her laugh, and there's nothing quite like the excitement of opening an unread book for the first time. Writing takes up much of her free time, whether actual writing takes place or writer's block, in which case she's probably browsing Pinterest. Kaitlyn is a farmer's daughter that loves the Lord, her family, and her books. Psalm 46:10 gives her inspiration, her brothers make her laugh, and there's nothing quite like the excitement of opening an unread book for the first time. Writing takes up much of her free time, whether actual writing takes place or writer's block, in which case she's probably browsing Pinterest. ...more

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